Navigate your organizational homepage
1. The Home Button - Easily return to your Organizational Homepage from anywhere in Brightspace.
2. The Minibar- Quickly access any course you are enrolled in or teaching, global notifications, and your profile settings. From your username on the minibar, you can make changes to your profile settings. From your username on the minibar, you can make changes to your user profile, notifications, account settings, and log out.
3. The Navbar - Configurable by your administrative team, the Navbar is a list of tools surfaced on your page for convenient access to powerful Brightspace features.
4. Widget-Based Homepage - Homepages can be customized with Brightspace Widgets. Widgets, such as Announcements, Quick Eval, Calendar, and access to any courses you are enrolled in with the My Courses Widget, are powerful tools that augment and enrich the user experience.