How to Backup/Archive a Blackboard Course
You can backup your Blackboard course as a zip folder on your computer for future use.
Please note that this will not include any Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recordings.
If you need to back up your Blackboard Collaborate Ultra recordings please follow this link: [How to Download Recordings from Blackboard Collaborate : Queens College Helpdesk (]
1. Under Course management, click on Packages and Utilities.
2. Click Export/Archive Course and then click on Export Package. (Please leave the default settings for File Attachments)

3. Click the Select All option then scroll down and uncheck the "Settings" option, finally, click Submit.

4. The action will be queued and you will receive an email once the export file is ready for download. After receiving the confirmation email on your Blackboard email, refresh the page and you should see a link to a zip folder. (see below screenshot)

5. Finally, click on the zip link and your export folder will start downloading automatically. Keep the folder safe for future use.
You may also save the exported file online on Microsoft OneDrive by following the directions below
1. Go to and enter your CUNYFirst username. The site will redirect to CUNY Web Applications Login page

2. You will be directed to the CUNYfirst login page. Please use your CUNYfirst username (, where NN are the last two digits of your EMPLID) and enter your CUNYfirst password to complete login.

3. Click on the OneDrive Icon

4. At the top of the screen, click on the "Upload Files" option

5. Navigate to your file and chose it then click Open to complete the upload

If you are ready to import the file into Brightspace right away, please follow the instructions here [How to Import a Blackboard Course Package into a Brightspace Course shell or a Practice site : Queens College Helpdesk (]