ITS Loaner Device Services Requesting Device: Policy & Procedure [Student Guide]
Request Loaner Device Policy:
As of January 28, 2022, all requests for a CUNY loaner device must be picked up from Queens College at the ITS Help Desk (DH 151) with your valid QC ID.
We can only allocate (1) Loaner iPad or Chromebook Device per matriculating student at this time.
- You are responsible for taking care of the equipment (Laptop, PC, tablet, mobile hotspot, etc.) while it is assigned to you for your exclusive use.
You are financially responsible for the replacement of lost equipment at its original purchase price, and for the cost to repair physically damaged equipment.
You are not responsible for any equipment malfunctions. Please do not attempt to repair equipment-return it to your college’s IT department during the hours posted by the campus when someone will be available to receive it.
Malfunctioning equipment will be replaced if possible and available.
Report lost or stolen equipment immediately to the college IT department, and to college Public Safety if instructed to do so.
Only use equipment for CUNY related educational or business purposes.
Please do not prevent automatic updates to device operating systems or security updates. Software updates and software modifications to third party applications you install are at your risk and may not be supported by the college IT department staff.
Loaner equipment has limited storage capacity and devices will be wiped when returned after the loaner period ends. In order to prevent loss of important work, do not store any work or documents to these devices. CUNY provides external cloud storage hat we strongly recommend you use. You may also save documents to a flash drive, Office 365 storage area, Dropbox, or email the documents or work to your email address.
Sign off from all applications you were using and turn off the device before you return it.
Return Loaner Device Policy:
If you have been requested to, have withdrawn from classes or are no longer enrolled as a matriculating student at CUNY Queens College, you must return your device to the ITS Department immediately. Follow this link to Process your RETURNING DEVICE:
On the Next Page go to “Loaner Device Request” Tab and then click on the Form for your desired Loaner Device or scroll down till you find your device request form.
2) Loaner Device Request Form: Fill out and submit the form to ITS.
Be sure to select which device you would prefer to have. If you click “No preference,” a device will be picked for you.
NOTE: Any form submitted after Thursday at 5pm will not be addressed till the following Monday (holidays permitting).
3) Approval: Once your device request has been received, it will be sent in for proper approval.

4) Processing your Device: Only when your device has been Approved will we begin to process your device. As we have a high volume of requests, please allow some time for preparation and handling as we get this device ready for you. Please note, your service request ticket will be closed once you have picked up your device.
5) Scheduling for Pick Up:
Once your device is ready, you will be given a link to a Microsoft Bookings Appointment page with ITS to secure a 10- minute appointment. Pick Ups are APPOINTMENT ONLY. All Pick Ups are held at the ITS Help Desk (DH 151) from 10:30am-12:30pm. You will receive an email confirmation for your Bookings.
Note: there is no same-day booking—you must book by 5pm. If you will be late or unable to make your appointment, you must notify ITS and reschedule for the next available date/time. If you do not have a Service Request for your device, we will not be able to hold your appointment slot. You will be notified of any changes to your appointment.
6) Picking Up your Device: On the day of your appointment, you must check in with Public Safety at the Main Gate or equivalent campus access gate after following the steps to access campus via the CUNY Health Screening Protocols. You will then head to the Dining Hall (DH 151) following signs for the ITS Help Desk.
Please ring the bell when you get to the office. You must present your Queens College ID with you and notify the ITS Staff member of your Service Request Ticket number. ABSOLUTELY NO DEVICE WILL BE ISSUED TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR QUEENS COLLEGE ID PRESENTED TO THE ITS STAFF MEMBER.
7) Once you have your new device and all necessary forms have been signed, you will be all set and your ticket will be closed. If there are any questions or concerns, please reach out to ITS.
We are ITS. We are here to help!