Queens College Google Suite for Education Transition FAQ
Over the past several years, many in the Queens College community have utilized the Queens College Google Suite for Education environment (G-Suite for Education) as a supplemental collaboration platform. Effective the end of the Fall 2021 semester, the Queens College G-Suite for Education environment will be shut down and decommissioned. All QC G-Suite for Education accounts will be removed, and file storage, databases, classrooms, sites and other services on the QC G-Suite for Education environment will no longer be available. Please begin to migrate any files, folders, and other content on your G-Suite for Education accounts to Microsoft 365 and/or Blackboard in advance of December 31, 2021.
Why is this occurring?
CUNY has selected and procured a variety of cloud-based tools and services, including Microsoft and Dropbox. The College is required to move to these University-supported platforms for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, cybersecurity and data integrity concerns.
How do I know if I’m affected?
This transition will only affect current Queens College G-Suite for Education environment users.
What do I need to do?
Those who have files/folders, sites and other content on the Queens College G-Suite for Education environment should begin to migrate to the University-supported Blackboard and Microsoft 365 environments, such as OneDrive, Teams and Office. This should be completed before the end of the Fall 2021 semester to avoid losing data and/or content. Accounts will no longer be accessible after the end of the Fall 2021 semester.
How long can I access content from my Google Suite Educational Environment? Staff will have access to content stored in the Queens College G-Suite for Education environment until Wednesday, September 29. Faculty will have access to content stored in the Queens College G-Suite for Education environment until Wednesday, December 29.
No action is required if you do not use the Queens College G-Suite for Education environment.
I understand that this is a major transition and I understand that this raises concern. Our Training Team has begun to compile documentation and training resources to assist with the transition. Please use the following link to share your concerns and tell us how you utilize the Queens College Google Suite for Education: https://support.qc.cuny.edu/catalog/items/120/.