City University of New York Student Technology Fee Policy and Procedures - September 2019
Student Technology Fee Committee
- The Student Technology Fee (STF) is designed to provide funds for improving existing technology related operations and acquiring new technology that substantially benefits students or student success and is used by the students of the City University of New York (CUNY) and its respective individual constituent colleges. The committee is subject to the Board of Trustees resolutions regarding the collection of Student Technology Fee and procedures or guidelines established by the respective college.
- The Student Technology Fee committee shall meet each semester at times that can be as mutually convenient for as many members of the committee to attend as possible. The purpose of these meetings is to develop the Technology Fee Plan and receive, review, approve and oversee the implementation of project proposals from students, faculty, and staff. At the initial meeting or at a time prior to the initial meeting the Committee Chair shall provide the members of the committee with an overview of roles and responsibilities as well as a review of the previous year’s plan and results of any student feedback collected.
- The Student Technology Fee committee is composed of the college President/Dean or his/her designee as chairperson, and at least three students equal to, if not greater than, the combined total of faculty and administrative members. The President/Dean shall decide the total size of the committee and shall have the ability to identify non-voting members that he/she would like to serve as advisors or offer input into the committee’s work and considerations.
- Student members shall be selected by the student government. These members shall be representatives of the student body and may be part of the elected student government. In the event that there are less than three student governments at a college, then each student government will select at least one representative and the remaining representatives will be selected, as nearly as practicable, in proportion to the student enrollment by headcount from the respective constituencies.
- Faculty members shall be selected by the appropriate college faculty governance body. The President/Dean shall determine the number of faculty representatives on each committee.
- Administration members shall be selected by the college President/ Deans. The President/Dean shall determine the number of administration representatives on each committee.
- Obtaining student feedback and input that will inform college investment in technology and future Student Tech Fee plans is paramount to all CUNY students. To achieve this
- student government shall perform an annual student government survey with assistance from the college President/Dean/Leadership; student government shall have access to survey tools that the university owns or licenses; or
- college Presidents/Deans, with student government participation, shall perform a bi-annual student satisfaction survey where questions related to current student tech fee use as well as areas for investment are included in questions; or
- student government and the college President/Dean shall obtain student feedback in a manner mutually agreed to by both parties.
Student Technology Fee Uses - Expenditure Categories
Student Technology Fee funds shall be allocated and expended only for the following purposes:
- Implementing or upgrading of instructional computer labs
- Acquiring or upgrading accessible technology
- Implementing or upgrading student-serving computer labs
- Improving and implementing student services
- Faculty development of new or improved courseware
- Electronic information resources in the library
- Personnel for installation and maintenance of computer services
- Upgrading instructional spaces to support technology-assisted learning
- Acquiring technology tools to support college-sponsored student activities
- Expand student access to current and emerging technology
- Purchase of Enterprise Solutions
- Student Representation
- The Chair of the Student Technology Fee committee shall report the names and CUNY emails of each student representative on the committee to the CUNY University Student Senate Vice Chair for Technology Fee Affairs as soon as the new committees are formed.
- The college President/Dean upon establishment of the Tech Fee Committee will inform student government.
Plan Status Reporting
- The upcoming academic year’s Technology Fee Plan and project submission guidelines shall be made available to the public on campus websites.
- The college President/Dean or their designee shall at least once a semester provide the student government with a progress report on the current year’s Technology FeePlan. At the end of the Academic Year, the progress report shall also include a final financial overview. The final financial overview shall include, but not be limited to, the source of all student technology fee income by constituency, past reserves, surplus accounts and projects that will continue to roll over from year to year.
Role of the Chancellor and Central Office
- The Chancellor of the City University of New York or his/her designee(s) shall be responsible for the following:
- Creating a standardized template for tech fee plans (the Task Force believes that a standard template both for the narrative and budget will benefit the planning and review process).
- Initiating the college student tech fee planning process each year by sending a call letter to college Presidents and Deans.
- Reviewing submitted plans to ensure adherence to policy recommendations above.
- Providing timely feedback to the colleges so as not to impact the colleges’ ability to successfully implement and achieve its plan.
- Providing periodic reports to the colleges on tech fee collections and expenses for the academic, fiscal, and/or calendar year.
- Meeting regularly with the USS Vice Chair for Technology Fee Matters to review issues or matters related to the Student Technology Fee and report thosematters to either the Council of Presidents or respective college president/dean.
- Ensuring fiscal policies that address the collection,management, carry over, and use of Student Tech Fee Funds.
*Presented and considered by the full Council of Presidents – September 2019