1. Go to the CUNYFirst login page (https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/) and click on “Forgot Password” below the login fields.

2. Enter either your CUNYFirst username OR your EMPLID then click “Continue”.

3. Answer both security questions then press “Continue”. These answers are not case-sensitive. If you do not remember the answers to these security questions click on “I am unable to remember my answers” then see the “If You Do Not Remember Your Security Questions” section below.

4. Enter a new password in both fields then click “Continue”. The password criteria are as follows:
- Must be between 8 and 13 characters long
- Must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
- Must NOT be among your last 4 created passwords

5. After resetting your password your CUNYFirst username and EMPLID will be displayed on the confirmation screen. You will also receive a confirmation email to your account management email.

If You Do Not Remember Your Security Questions
1. After clicking on “I am unable to remember my answers” an email will be sent to your account management email with a link to reset your CUNYFirst password. Click on the link in the email within two hours of receiving it.

2. After clicking the link you will be taken to the password creation page. Enter a new password in both fields then click “Continue”. The password criteria are as follows:
- Must be between 8 and 13 characters long
- Must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- Must contain at least one number
- Must NOT be among your last 4 created passwords

3. After creating a new password you will be taken to the confirmation page and your password will be reset. An email confirmation will also be sent to your account management email.