Searching for a Student’s Documents
To search for a student’s uploaded documents after logging in to the Student Documents Repository:
1. Do one of the following:
- Type one of the following partial document class names in the Name Contains search box at the top left of the page and press the Enter key:
Click on one of the document classes listed under the Recent Searches or All Searches folder.
A Search Criteria page for the document class selected is displayed.

The Search Criteria page lists the student documents key fields, comparison operators and search string fields used to find a student’s documents in the repository.
2. Search for a student’s documents by a entering a combination of the following key fields with corresponding search comparison operators and search text strings:
If you know the student’s full emplid, leave the comparison operator as “Equals” and type the emplid in the field provided.
If you know a partial emplid, change the comparison operator to “Include Any” and type the partial emplid in the field provided.
Last Name
If you know the student’s full last name, leave the comparison operator as “Equals” and type the last name in the field provided.
If you know a partial last name, change the comparison operator to “Include Any” and type the partial last name in the field provided.
First Name
If you know the student’s full first name, leave the comparison operator as “Equals” and type the first name in the field provided.
If you know a partial first name, change the comparison operator to “Include Any” and type the partial first name in the field provided.
Date of Birth
Unless you know the date format used for the student birthdate, this key field may not be helpful in your student document search.
If you know the student’s birthdate, leave the comparison operator as “Equals” and type the birthdate in the field provided.
3. Click Search.
The search results are displayed in the default Details columnar view.