Search Comparison Operators
The Student Document Repository provides the following search comparison operators to provide flexibility in narrowing your search results by including or excluding specific search string text values:
Not Like
Use to exclude student documents with a key field matching the search string value.
Use to include student documents with the key field matching the search string.
Not Equals
Use to exclude student documents when the key field matches the search string.
Include Any
Use to include student documents when any sequence of contiguous key field matches the search string.
Exclude All
Use to exclude student documents when any sequence of contiguous key field matches the search string.
Is Empty
Use to include student documents when key field is empty. No search string should be entered.
Is Not Empty
Use to include student documents when the key field contains a value. No search string should be entered.
DO NOT USE the following search comparison operators as they are used for fields defined as numeric and all the key fields for the Student Documents Repository are defined as text fields: Less Than Less Than or Equal Greater Than Greater Than or Equal